tisdag 24 maj 2016

MPM Wellington Mk.II - Part II

As the low frequency of my posts may indicate, there isn't much time for me to keep this blog in a format I've initially intended. My intention was to 'document' the progress of my builds in detail, with frequent posts and a lot of pictures. Unfortunately, I simply don't have time for that at the moment. I have therefore made the decision that for the time being, I will post two posts for each kit I build - one with my initial impressions and one with a presentation of the final build.

And here we go... the final presentation of MPM's Vickers Wellington II in 1/72 scale. In retrospect, not the best kit I've worked with. It's a short production kit and one has to struggle with it all the way to the end. The area that caused me a lot of problems were the windows and cockpit. The fit of those parts is initially very bad and I didn't spend enough time dry-fitting them. As a result, the quality of entire build has suffered. If you decide to build this kit, I recommend for you to ensure that clear parts do fit properly, it will save you a lot of trouble.

In other respects, it is relatively simple kit, maybe even a bit crude. But with a bit of TLC and if you squint just a little bit, it does look like a Wimpy. And that is enough for me.

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