After a long period of silence, it's time to post the progress report for Dewoitine D.520. In simple terms, it's done. Finished kit can be seen below.
Couple of words about paints used in this project. All paints are Lifecolor acrylics. Lower surfaces were painted with UA026 Light Compas Ghost Grey (FS36375). Base color for upper surfaces is UA094 Medium Sea Grey (FS36270), while camouflage was done with UA143 French Brown (FS30045) and UA142 French Khaki (FS34096). The blue for the cockpit is a personal mix and should be regarded as 'artistic freedom', since I was unable to find good reference pictures or a paint specifically for french cockpit blue. One thing is for sure though - the grey color specified by Hasegawa as interior color used by the French in 1940 is almost certainly incorrect.
But what about the kit itself? Well, it was one of the most basic kits I've put together since getting back to the hobby. The fit is very good, number of parts is very reasonable, panel engravings are subtle, decals are basic (no stencils), but very nice to work with, cockpit parts are clear and detailed. Overall, a straightforward build without any real challenges, In fact, I'd say that it's a perfect beginner's kit.
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