torsdag 4 oktober 2012

Going back to my roots

So... just to get going, a couple of words about the reason for me getting this site started and about my modelling background.

The 'reason' part is easiest to explain - the  idea is to use this blog to document day-to-day progress with models I will be building, my experiences with different techniques, hopefully getting some feedback and of course to use it as a convenient place for posting a picture or two.

As for me... I've been building plastic models ever since I was a little kid. I was however never very good at it. Sure, as I got older, my models were cleaner, the gaps in the joints became less noticeable and sometimes I even managed to apply a technique I've read about with decent results. I was however never near the quality of the models shown at exhibition or in magazines. Then life happened and I dropped out of the hobby almost entirely... until now.

So what triggered my reignited interest in plastic models, you may be asking. Well... of all possible things, the spark was created by those newly tooled airplane kits in 1/72 scale that Airfix has been churning out for last couple of years. They are so damn simple, affordable and yet they give an impression of being high quality models. By now I have bought a bunch of them and hope to start building one of them within a couple of days.

Oh yes, just a couple of words about what models I will be working with and writing about. In my youth my main interest were tanks and airplanes, mainly in 1/72 scale. I still find that scale most attractive, so expect a mixed bag of military vehicles and airplanes. I've always built my models straight out of the box and don't think I will deviate from that habit this time around, at least not in the beginning of my 'come-back'.

OK, that's it for now. Hope to post progress on my first projects in near future.

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